A Safe World is Always Emptier
20, for The Martyr
Death burns his black dress in the track field
and walks home from the bus stop with me.
Naked and cold with a dull scythe on his shoulder
while he babbles to me about everything
that will happen on this day and that day and the other,
but not the day I will pass.
Routine Killings
No one sees blood but me.
I think my pupils are dyed red.
And they are fooling me.
When I see gunshot wounds
in my blueberry pancakes
and scabs on the bottom of my shoes,
I topple over sidewalks,
feeling my insides release like posters succumbing to fallen pins,
caving in on my ribcage.
[There is a bear punching around
the calcium cabin beside my heart.]
When the morning waves are crashing into each other
on the vacant side of the beach
I watch two delicate, skyscrapers of women
claw at pieces of skin they catch on the other
and stab one another in the eyes
until blindness becomes marginal for everyone
who is not already me
or blind.
And maimed seagulls
and legless jellyfish wash and fling themselves upon and across
a stained shore.
And when I lay in the warm evening grass
as vicious vigilante ants stomp over my honey-drenched fingers
I feel I have started a mini world war three;
their tiny legs become even tinier machine guns,
their even even tinier mouths blow up
the little villages built atop my arm veins.
The flesh I carry
becomes an impromptu battleground:
my thighs house canons,
my pelvis ports submarines,
and bullets and sprinkle bodies litter my calves.
I lay there and watch with little whimpers
as bite marks wash over me and teeth grip onto
the sensitive pressure points on the borders of flesh guarding my pubic bone,
I watch the bloodbath swirl all in the perfect, extinguisher red gory technicolor palettes,
I watch the insect widows weeping
I watch the arachnids saw off their legs with the teeth of dead soldiers
I watch the queen bee get plowed by the tank she ordered
I watch their blackened guts being washed away by garden hoses and muddied by sprinklers.
And the Sun is shining burgundy.
The Greatest Gods Had No Friends
I am no Aphrodite, yet,
My feet shall rise alone from sea foam.
I shall stir madness by my lonesome
As Dionysus did with no gangs following.
I shall hunt by myself
As Artemis shot arrows in an abandoned forest
With no one but limping deer to hear her screams echo.
There are no allies in the most beautiful Heavens;
Lucifer fell alone with no other angel to catch him.
He and I learned
Concrete is more stable than a mate.
I pray to myself for blessings.
I write my own testaments.
I look above my crown of thorns for a miracle.
I’ve grown eyes on the back of my head
To trail behind me as I continue on in solitude
Knowing my Heavens are overflowing at the brim
With snake traps and spears.
Southern Girl Sicko
Written for The Martyr. 20
I’m living in Virginia,
the beginning of the south,
the childstar of the confederacy.
I’m putting worms and swampwater into buckets
and dumping them on the heads of
northern boys who know mud as well as they know space.
I’ve mowed the king down with my horse,
his legs are morbid and twisted like L-shaped pipes
as he moans in the dark while I hop off the saddle.
My feet are bare and covered in gravel,
my dress is falling off my shoulders,
exposing a breast as I kick the ruler,
nothing but a man when his crown falls down the ravine.
He weeps harder as I remove my
spear from its sheath.
I step on his chest,
hundreds of pebbles covered in my dead skin,
scratching him through his shirt.
I hold the spear above my head
as if I am splitting a log.
I yell at the man I toppled over,
“Thus always to tyrants.”
Drooping, Wilting
Written for The Martyr. 20
It all ran down my face—
the cuts were vertical and
the drops of my embarrassed eyes
wetting themselves
hit the pavement heels first.
It stressed me out to not know
what I would become but knowing
I would transform and feel the searing pain
of new roots bursting out of my back,
having new blood that
came to be by swirling around my brain.
I was a girl turning on my axis
with a disturbance
from my revolution
that rivaled the smooth engineering
of Earth’s legs.
I was becoming a girl
who would feel ill forever—
the type of girl who
could only wipe at the throb
when it wept,
paint it in thick white cream when it
began to turn red
until I lost control and
clawed at my burning surface
until I broke the seal.
With the scrape of my bulldozing nails,
I began to feel something eternal.
I Remember Being a Girl
The Martyr. 20
Tender is Heaven’s flickering
mouthwarm light,
glowing unto my back.
Spilling with the shine
I am splattered everywhere;
an angel weft into wood floors,
mattress coils,
and leather.
Gore for Those Who Like to Visualize (The Martyr Version)
Originally written in high school but edited for The Martyr around age 20.
My eyes melt onto the frying pan.
Scrambled veins and toasted corneas.
My pupils boil over.
Cooking for my beautiful boyfriend
who reads the newspaper:
“Local Woman Dies in Bathtub.
Now isn’t that sad?”
I flip my eyeballs,
they are crisp on all sides,
“Yes, it is.”
Picking at my guts for dinner.
I wanted peas and mashed potatoes.
The red slime sounds like macaroni and cheese.
Pretending food is other food keeps me full.
A picky eater versus
an eater who picks at their food.
I eat to sustain,
if I must bite at your thighs,
I must.
When the frostbite turns skin black
and the exit wound leaks sweet southern molasses,
I awake.
The Bloodshed is Only Digital
Poem from The Martyr, written at 20.
I’m spinning,
but only w/ my eyes.
My entire side hits the ground
while my seeing
is all tossing itself up against the ceiling.
I’m going somewhere all from
right here.
I’ve gone to Guam before homeroom.
I can see the war
all from my couch
if I just stare at what
my mom is staring at.
Her fingers rub into my scalp
like she
is kneading out
the pure knowledge
of the bomb.
Walking Sick
We started to lose our young, touchy memories early and slowly
It started with trying to remember how we held hands an hour ago,
Did we tangle our fingers together or put one set of digits over the other like a pile of clothes?
Trying to get that same feeling we can’t prove ever existed while looking into red eyes
There was a tangle of dissolving noodles at the bottom of the cherry pit of our hearts
No matter how much cyanide scientists and friends told us we contained
We continued to bite at each other hoping we'd get the full taste of each other’s fruit just from the skin
You can not mix honey into venom, the sweet will float at the top like a baby in a pool.
We cannot be cuddly cobras, we cannot kiss without nipping each other with our front teeth.
We start every single day looking at each other under the blanket like we want to pick away each other’s sores
Forgetting that we tried to poison each other last night for a reason.
You elected to sleep on the couch,
Then a couple hours later you wandered aimlessly into bed, swinging the door open like you were running from a fire.
Your silk pajamas were clean,
But your chin,
Your chin,
You had massaged your toothbrush bristles into your gums until they bled out of your mouth and onto the skin on your face,
because you were “eager to see me”.
We woke up that same night
Our bed became a pool covered in leaves and lilypads, chlorine got in our eyes
I screamed but you laughed.
Then the next day I asked you to teach me how to swim,
And you laughed again.
We got our towels, I helped you pick out your trunks
We jumped in, I was nervous like it was the first time, holding onto you like you were the last pole that could protect me from getting swept up in the winds.
When you saw me underwater you lunged at me in my most vulnerable state
I woke up and we started biting each other again
We started screaming at each other again
Acting surprised every single time
We forgot how we got to our point B but kept walking to point C like we understood
You forgot our anniversary
I forgot what turned you off
You forgot my birthday
I forgot where you wanted us to meet for dinner
You forgot about the texture of my surface but remembered my pressure points
Like you needed to press on them to survive.
I remembered you were living in a swamp and mosquitos flew around your head everywhere you swam like disciples
You treated me like a menace but thought the bugs were innocent because you forgot about malaria, about the suckling
If our love was a disease, it’d keep returning no matter the amount of radiation and mountain high pill regimens stacked against us
If our love was a disease, a skin searing epidemic would kill half our town because we were too careless to contain our issues
If our love was a disease, I would have died by now
If our love was a disease, the CDC would shove a pike through me and burn my body on a grill
and I would become a plus one for the death toll
If our love was a disease, you would wash your hands with boiling water after cutting pork
even though you are terminally a walking sick.
The elastic of a waist sticky and
ever flowing like the everlasting
curves of the halved hourglass
of an amber maple syrup bottle
like bart simpson like pinup postcards iced with dust in an attic
teasing patrons on the penguin belly white
metal shelves in aisle 6A of Diake-4-Less Mart:
“Have you ever had a fresh-out-the-freezer glass of
pure, EXTRA VIRGIN orange juice so frothy?
Yet so granular you can feel vaccine-like punctures of each bitty crystal like
colonies of pickled prickled pulp soldiers bobsledding against
your curved and frost crisped tongue
before they stick a ten point landing atop
creamed shreds of buttermilk pancake tendons
fuzzing in your digestive lagoon? Like malleable pillars of fat and muscle
Punching through the thick hairs of an olympic pool’s scalp
Like a full rack of sapien ribs spearing unto
the rusty breasts of an iron maiden?”
Today’s hairdo was inspired by 1998 Lauryn Hill and gargantuan GMO superhero green beans—
Locs thick with the plum yogurt blood of my heart
and wrapped in tacky gel with the swift turn of my grandmother’s twist
Entrenched with the uninhibited spirit of zami and the
agitation of my father when I neglect to fry him enough kelewele.
Stomping&Storming through aisles until I am confronted with a
“Ma’am — do yo uneed help?”
and a colony of lime green plantains sunbathing in the produce basket I neglected to
acknowledge four walk-arounds before.
Waving a pistol in your face with the unfastened muscle of a red air dancer
Possessing me as I scramble for a vial of olive oil to grant my breasts everlasting life
and you are forced to stretch your
For: me.
until the pair of dimples embedded between the
bite size fatty handles of your hips are exposed
below the lettuce hem of your breast and collarbone
clinging(crushing, gripping
suede top with
trench deep,
neckline drenched in a highlighter hue that
mimics the street lamp-like glow
of the lemonskins
and lettuceheads bobbing together
in chive green bags knotted tighter at the neck
than a noose around an imprisoned
and executed
african pirate’s
in your mystery machine
Gore for those Who Like to Visualize
I’ve been going on for twelve years;
This won’t take two.
I’ll keep parading on
Throwing candy from my teddy bear float
Won’t make children love me.
It’ll make adults stop and remind me that
Teddy bears are the sons of Teddy Roosevelt
While their daughters tug on their wrists.
Pandering to those forty year old cardboard boxes
Has never been easier.
My eyes melt onto the frying pan
Scrambled veins and toasted corneas
My pupils boil over.
Cooking for my beautiful husband
Who reads the newspaper:
“Local Woman Dies in Bathtub”.
“Now isn’t that sad?”
I flip my eyeballs,
They are crisp on all sides.
“Yes, it is.”
Picking at my guts for dinner.
I wanted peas and mashed potatoes.
The red slime sounds like macaroni and cheese.
Pretending food is other food has kept me full.
A picky eater versus…
An eater who picks at their food.
I eat to survive,
If I must bite at your legs,
I must.
Rip out my tongue, Dionysus!
I, the mind;
A minuscule goddess of the graveyard.
Undertakers pray for a plentiful winter harvest
When the frostbite turns skin black
And the gunshot wound leaks sweet southern molasses,
I awake.
Titan of Tears
this poem took me about 2 years give or take, the longest of any poem, completed when i was 17.
You are the Titan of Tears,
sobbing to the unforgiving milkman
who breaks your mud crusted bottles
and spits curdled milk into your mouth
from malnourished cattle.
He crunches around broken glass
with his scuffed leather boots on your front porch
as you watch from a hole in your living room wall,
losing your first piece of dignity,
and the last of the sanity carrying you since age ten.
You are the Titan of Tears,
crying to the cutthroat poetess
who refuses to send your estranged sister
a collection of milk-soaked poetry.
She burns your Janus-lines in front of the mailbox;
stanza by stanza, the ash coats your mouth
like lipstick for the damned,
spiraling into ash as she waltzes away.
The Titan of Tears —
you whimper on peeling porches,
sealing your hurricane-ravaged front door
to block out strangers who walked away months prior.
You, Titan,
who only feels clean while flossing ‘til you bleed out
in the harshest of summer storms
because you believe your great God is washing
sins out of your matted hair and thin teeth.
You, Titan,
whose childhood feels never-ending like evening traffic.
Childhood is the milky smoke
seeping from your dying neighbor’s chimney in the blue morning;
adolescence stares at you
like glassy eyed pigeons outside of your office window
as you sob into your cold black coffee.
Your lacking adulthood is full of sloppy attempts to silence.
Barking dogs in your slush brain,
pushing down the bile that rises in your flaking throat,
as water floods your eyes like a basement during Katrina,
and feeding worms writhe out of your flared nostrils,
covered in snot and blackened discharge.
You are the Titan of Tears;
your weeping rivals Mother Mary’s bloody tears.
i think i wrote this in junior year, so when i was 16
Asleep in the toddler-ripped, mesh hammock
with a bitten foot atop the gritty stone bird bath
that whirls leaf infested water in slick currents
as the moon becomes anew above her sweaty head.
A half drunken Coca-Cola bottle rumbles around in the dry grass
as her dry toe creeps down toward a colony of hungry ants
Eyes fluttering with flaming indolence———————
her dehydrated voice croaks an improvised poem that loses meaning
With every breathy sigh that interrupts nonsense lines.
Stepping over the neglected dahlias
With muddy, creased white leather sneakers
Terrorizing tangled weeds
Who rustle together like a flock of shivering birds.
The absent moon blows its essence
As if to cool down a boiling beef stew.
Cracked bottles with his caffeine infused saliva rimming the mouth
lay at the bottom of a pit of blackened trees.
He washes upon the swaying, silent girl
her gentle eyelids twitching
as his phone tower figure covers the empty, late night sky.
The strands of his dark hair highlight
The burning abyss found in an evening
of a disappearing Summer
Where hungry mosquitoes find shelter on suburban porch lights
and drunken teenagers climb outside
Through grimy windows open a quarter way.
He stares at her like a missing lover,
his eyes -- a false whiff of disgusting naiveté,
She dreams in increments,
He creates a grainy, black and white motion picture
Where she lay in an infested rat nest of a grave.
His deep, shallow breaths halt the swaying trees,
The slow cicada song dies down
As if a neighbor told them to cut the volume,
and the last streetlights knock out
Like a bloody, toothless boxer in his last round.
She is left alone in her backyard with the grace of Mother Nature and him;
A man lacking a full heart capacity —
the world paused for him.
She now knows the last world she dreamt of
while he reigns upon her
He crooned through a dry cough,
“I will see you again.”
She dreams through her last breath.
And the cicada choir hums again.
I Figured Out the Word Ego Before God
i figured out ego i figured it out yup
Dec 19 11:17 p.m.
I am recalibrating...
Fuck off God &
Fuck off education,
I am ripping the ticks off my skin--
I read James Baldwin,
I know how violence operates
& I understand how painful
Being sucked dry is,
I thought I would fuck
The world
And swim in a shallow ocean on a beach
Where the “Blue” Four Loko is the saltwater
And the sand is lime green kief &
Stale instant hot chocolate powder—
I am obsessed with poetry,
I started reading & writing again
)I am a toddler in the most mature way possible(
Forgive me for writing with my lefthand,
I will cut it off so my right never
Forgets what happens
When a curious doe walks away from its mother.
Everyday is a fucking vacation,
I smoke in bed & log on Zoom,
I am in therapy and on track to
Earn my flimsy bachelor’s degree
All while eating a subpar bagel
From the shittiest, but most convenient deli.
I am living like Carrie Bradshaw
Except I cannot afford to even Google
Who the CEO of Prada is,
but she could not either.
I reject mediocrity,
I used to vomit when my mother
Would feed me the cheap baby food
)I was not digesting that shit(
I am too fresh to not live in luxury
I am the lesbian King Tut
Frothing at the mouth in downtown Manhattan
I raid Greenwich Village every weekend
& The grass at Washington Square
Screams at the sight of my thighs.
I waste my weed everyday
And blame the plant
For not being potent enough
)Bitch, you are fucking yourself over:
It is the same formula
But I fuck it up every time,
Two teaspoons of unfiltered tap water
Makes the mug creamy
But also too bitter
Where is the balance
When the bricks aren’t tied to my back?
)Can someone make sure
That’s right?(
I called myself a
Lone fuck off of a girl,
I was right,
Except I am no longer 17 and loathing
And I have a tie to Providence, Rhode Island
The same way the Spirit in my apartment
Is chained to the cheap island in my kitchen.
I reside in —— Village,
It’s not a city within the City
It’s a neighborhood.
A blood splotch next to a dead body,
It’s a puzzle piece
)Maybe two(
Not the whole solution.
I have seen the south once
Since I crawled into the City.
I have seen the south once.
I remembered boredom as I laid
On a close friend’s bedroom floor,
I remembered vanity as I did my makeup
In front of their dressing mirror
I found beauty next to the dust
And the one-of-a-kind necklaces strewn about the rug,
And the space heater burning my calves
I would not freeze ugly,
My corpse would don $12 false eyelashes
)I really internalized it when I was 10
And heard Alison DiLaurentis say the
Only way to stay the same age forever is to
Die young. To “leave a beautiful corpse.”(
And full coverage foundation,
My rotting breasts covered up by
Clearance shelf perfume
And translucent setting powder
That fell into my pocket at the drugstore.
Beauty is the ideal state of permanence,
A physical ecstasy reluctant to be removed.
)I skipped class 500 times
This semester & probably wore
Makeup oh so many times.
We are in a pandemic,
I had no fucking time.(
I am deteriorating as I turn in this essay
And what do I accomplish?
The crushing, liberating reality of being gay.
“But I thought you liked boys?”
I thought I liked boys too.
And now I am writing poetry
About them twisting my arm behind
My back--
)I remember in elementary school,
I went to a small sleepover at a
Close friend’s house. We saw the news
One morning. A woman had been raped.
I asked the two girls before me
What rape was. One said it was when
A man leaves a mark on a woman’s
Skin forever. No one had another definition.(
Do not fuck me, okay, fine, fuck me.
I keep having the same nightmare
Over and over again
And forgetting about it
The next morning.
I cannot fathom the end of
The semester and the cruelty
Of winter,
It snows for hours and then I
Remember the uninterrupted spinning
Of the world.
My heater barely functions--
I am ripped apart and baked alive
To keep my bedroom warm.
My Existence Depends on Your Cooperation
did dionysus feel this way about chaos? did ares about war?
I have spent the entirety of my life
Studying the feminine gothic
Researching the modest curve of the hips
Of Victoria’s Secret models as
I walked by their posters--
Black lingerie clung onto the skin
Of a thin, honey-blonde White woman
While she held a firm gaze
As the tip of her nose glistened
And her fingers curled into a “come hither” gesture
A menacing seduction that made
New husbands and great grandfathers lower their heads
In shame of the spontaneity of their carnal hungers,
The fruits between the meats of their thighs still growing even
As herds of vinegar flies begin to invade
Their leathering gates.
My womanhood guided me like a compass,
It led me to waters unknown by
Creatures who had tread the sea
Decades before my mother had even
Rested in the liminal corners of her mother’s recess,
Kicking at the thin walls of her innards to give her
A taste of the most bittersweet parts of creation.
I was designed to keep my heart in line
With those who descended from Sappho’s rib
And spread the word of our creator
Through the adrenaline rush of our infamous, sensitive desires;
To broadcast delicate, fluffy romance
As a reward from the homoerotic heathens
Who paved the way for our sensual mischief.
When I was eight and buying Valentines to hand out
To my third grade class,
The cashier laid a legend upon my ears—
She swore to me the gasoline igniting the flame
That kept my heart and liver from freezing over
Could only be sustained eternally
With the bodily fluid of a divine love.
And years later, my mouth still waters
As I daydream about my fantasy beverage:
The spiced ichor of Eros sliding down my tongue,
My heart marinating in the broth that seeped from
A laceration carved across the thickness of his throat
By the stealth of a razor that lined his own arrowhead.
written when i was 17
I am too delicious like the rotting apple right beside me
I bleed onto my bedside table to prove to the enslaved farmers before me
That there is not one road to consumption
I exist cramped in a tiny bedroom with a towering man
Sleeping with no boxers to the left of me
I listen to his fraudulent heartbeat echo inside his hollow body
As his hairy legs swipe against mine like windshield wipers.
And he complains in his sleep…
He does not love me,
He says I am too vulgar.
He swears my blemished mind should be smudged out with a wet thumb
Like a bare breasted woman on the television,
I should be horrified of liberation,
And quiet hopes for a life more relaxing than a massage
In a five star resort on a stolen island…
Leaving him takes keys and a love for urban noise
Limping barefoot
(naked, scratched thighs bleeding, side of the road)
I cannot forever lay matted together with a body
That only loves on me when I am spitting
I rethink the mirrors that duplicate my distorted self:
A lone, fuckoff of a girl
Bite-sized and unbelievable like the harvest moon
In the hands of a softened deity.
I am Ms. No-love-reject-emotion
I wear chunky legs and dissatisfaction at the tip of my tongue
Like my mother, Mrs. No-love-reject-emotion
Brain sore from having my past beat on
With police bats
Like the door of a narcotics kingpin,
Backed into a wolf spider infested corner.
My frame is slathered in oily finger grease
And tiny scratches provided by
Petite silver needles and prickly nails
I view the doomed universe alone
Like a widow on her sorrowful walk
To a Tuesday afternoon funeral
Slow feet, intestine pink, teary eyes as she begs
To jump down the plot with him
I yell through my boiling tears like an enraged God
As I see my body sliced open on national/ist news
Not mortified by my pinky-red guts
Covering the streetside like beaded necklaces after Mardi Gras
But saddened that they never cared to fill me up
With yesterday morning’s newspaper
I am left like a pitbull that donned fury eyes one night…
I am left like an illegitimate newborn daughter on a doorstep…
But no body treats me better
no body.
I become unhinged
“Insane, anarchist woman with a fatal mission”
I question why I should live life peacefully
While a fascist holds a gun in my back.
While the CEO in front of me
Tries to shove grimy pennies up my nose.
I am “relentless” like a wildfire
Creeping up on lavish mansions in W. Hollywood
I am “violent” like a beauty pageant dressing room
I am “unsavory” like a young girl spitting up her undercooked chicken fingers.
No proper home built for
Les Femmes Violentes
Only prisons where we fight for sanitation
And the right to eat half a stale sandwich once a day
I am chained to a passive ghost
Under a leaky, molding ceiling in a drafty box cell
Bigger than my vulgar little self
Stolen from my human form ...
And the doll head I once preached under.
The former self:
A well kept young woman to fetishize,
A full, soft red pout
A narrow waist that does not make men puke,
A head with no thoughts on the oppressed who burn,
A fluttery heart that controls my taste
For grimy lovers.
My ashy foot in rusty, iron chains,
I hold my ground
With not much room to stand
I stretch my neck:
I spit in the face of guards,
The colonized God,
The faux fair emperor.
0DE 2 02 (A Mirrored Self Portrait)
0DE 2 02 (A Mirrored Self Portrait)
By Celia Rose
Crave the caress/Not the caresser
Intimacy is an object/Like life
Or homicide/Like a stomach virus
& Cyanide/& depression
Want tap/& tousle
Want skin/& skim
Want soul/& slim
Not only firm like tofu/But soft like cement
And thinner than/A transparent tortilla
Oh you always want more/& much
You build temple fever/Like you build your splintered
KLIMPEN desk from the/depths of the AS-IS section of IKEA
With the split instruction pamphlet/Upside down
And your skull/Twisted behind your arms
Squid ink licorice flesh/Twirling like
Soiled toilet water down/The choking drain
Down the pipes/Flowing into the sewer creek
And atop the head/Of a cottonmouthed
Rat with matted/Fur.
Celia no longer flushes/Her floss down the drain
As she worries she will strangle/A starving rodent.
Celia no longer begs/to be cuddled by jesters
& Beetles/Celia no longer lies about her
Birthday unless she is running/From the
Grasp of the Grim Reaper’s/Knuckles
“No sir, I am not/Old enough to die yet.
I was born in ‘04/Not ‘02,
God wrote my date in/Wrong.
He was in a/Rush the day
My mama popped me/Out her belly
Like I was puss/Or a biscuit out the oven.”
}Caelia requests
Our Lord Dionysus.
Caelia wants
thick, tender curls creeping
Between the webs of her fingers.
Caelia needs
The 12th Olympian’s Heart
Beating between her
O Caelia,
You once lusted after
The Prince of Denmark
The Newborn King Claudius
Praying for his mercy
Like a child screeching
Through their scorching, invisible
Tears in the midst of a fit
At the cash register as they begged
To dye their saliva a bright, thick blue
With the
as you bathed in the brook
Boiled in the stew of
Splintered wood,
Willow branches like
Brown, shredded cheese
Miniature, leaping frogs
With a slick skin reminiscent of
Virgin olive oil—
Oh Celia!!
Do you remember
When we stuck up
That 7-11 the night before
Thxgiving? LMFAOOOO.
The look on that guys face
He was like:
When you pulled out that
.38 for all the money
In the register &
We only made
So fcking irritating.
We legit did all that
>ik it’s so annoying
Lol. i can’t believe we
Didn’t get caught.
But at least we got it<
What did you buy w
your half of the $ ??
>what the fuck do u think
I bought bitch?!<
>She sends me a picture
Of her holding multiple
Bags with different brand names
Scribbled all over the
Varied, crumpled wrappings
Of the plastic and paper protecting
Whatever bullshit was underneath.
She was smiling wide
Her pearl teeth illuminated
Under, her soft, balmy
Pink and brown lips
Spreading their thick walls.<
BS!!! Clearly.
Just kidding.
How much did you spend
>most of it. anything
else not pictured
was ingested and
shat out or
sitting in a drawer.