The Greatest Gods Had No Friends
I am no Aphrodite, yet,
My feet shall rise alone from sea foam.
I shall stir madness by my lonesome
As Dionysus did with no gangs following.
I shall hunt by myself
As Artemis shot arrows in an abandoned forest
With no one but limping deer to hear her screams echo.
There are no allies in the most beautiful Heavens;
Lucifer fell alone with no other angel to catch him.
He and I learned
Concrete is more stable than a mate.
I pray to myself for blessings.
I write my own testaments.
I look above my crown of thorns for a miracle.
I’ve grown eyes on the back of my head
To trail behind me as I continue on in solitude
Knowing my Heavens are overflowing at the brim
With snake traps and spears.