I am too delicious like the rotting apple right beside me

I bleed onto my bedside table to prove to the enslaved farmers before me

That there is not one road to consumption

I exist cramped in a tiny bedroom with a towering man

Sleeping with no boxers to the left of me

I listen to his fraudulent heartbeat echo inside his hollow body

As his hairy legs swipe against mine like windshield wipers.

And he complains in his sleep…

He does not love me,

He says I am too vulgar.

He swears my blemished mind should be smudged out with a wet thumb

Like a bare breasted woman on the television,

I should be horrified of liberation,

And quiet hopes for a life more relaxing than a massage

In a five star resort on a stolen island…

Leaving him takes keys and a love for urban noise

Limping barefoot

(naked, scratched thighs bleeding, side of the road)

I cannot forever lay matted together with a body

That only loves on me when I am spitting

I rethink the mirrors that duplicate my distorted self:

A lone, fuckoff of a girl

Bite-sized and unbelievable like the harvest moon

In the hands of a softened deity.

I am Ms. No-love-reject-emotion

I wear chunky legs and dissatisfaction at the tip of my tongue

Like my mother, Mrs. No-love-reject-emotion

Brain sore from having my past beat on

With police bats

Like the door of a narcotics kingpin,

Backed into a wolf spider infested corner.

My frame is slathered in oily finger grease

And tiny scratches provided by

Petite silver needles and prickly nails

I view the doomed universe alone

Like a widow on her sorrowful walk

To a Tuesday afternoon funeral

Slow feet, intestine pink, teary eyes as she begs

To jump down the plot with him

I yell through my boiling tears like an enraged God

As I see my body sliced open on national/ist news

Not mortified by my pinky-red guts

Covering the streetside like beaded necklaces after Mardi Gras

But saddened that they never cared to fill me up

With yesterday morning’s newspaper

I am left like a pitbull that donned fury eyes one night…

I am left like an illegitimate newborn daughter on a doorstep…

But no body treats me better

no body.

I become unhinged

“Insane, anarchist woman with a fatal mission”

I question why I should live life peacefully

While a fascist holds a gun in my back.

While the CEO in front of me

Tries to shove grimy pennies up my nose.

I am “relentless” like a wildfire

Creeping up on lavish mansions in W. Hollywood

I am “violent” like a beauty pageant dressing room

I am “unsavory” like a young girl spitting up her undercooked chicken fingers.

No proper home built for

Les Femmes Violentes

Only prisons where we fight for sanitation

And the right to eat half a stale sandwich once a day

I am chained to a passive ghost

Under a leaky, molding ceiling in a drafty box cell

Bigger than my vulgar little self

Stolen from my human form ...

And the doll head I once preached under.

The former self:

A well kept young woman to fetishize,

A full, soft red pout

A narrow waist that does not make men puke,

A head with no thoughts on the oppressed who burn,

A fluttery heart that controls my taste

For grimy lovers.

My ashy foot in rusty, iron chains,

I hold my ground

With not much room to stand

I stretch my neck:

I spit in the face of guards,

The colonized God,

The faux fair emperor.


My Existence Depends on Your Cooperation


0DE 2 02 (A Mirrored Self Portrait)